Monday, August 19, 2013

The Joy of Hate

Have you heard Greg Gutfeld on Fox News channel?  Well this is one of his books and he writes just like he speaks.  This book is a healthy exercise in Freedom of Speech.  Yes, that very important American right that means I have to support your right to say something that I don't agree with.

Many readers will be exercising support of that right when reading this book.  Other readers will cheer that the author has the courage to say some of the things he says.

His comments are well thought out, and presented with an entertaining wit.  He tackles all the timely issues, shying away from nothing.  Some examples include Gay rights, Victims (aren't we all), Media Bias, the 1%, Celebrity Hypocrites, and the coined "Tolerati".

The Tolerati exude tolerance, but only for those certain sanctioned groups and emotional causes.  Venting at non sanctioned views or groups is encouraged and makes the Tolerati feel good and cool.

I love some of the inconsistencies that the author points out.  Just one small example that I find humorous is the 1% raging against the crimes of capitalism in their designer shoes and tweeting about it on their ipads.

The author concludes with a little advice including -

Discern the difference between real injustice and trumped up baloney.  Don't waste your time on baloney.

Lighten up, and grow a thicker skin.

There's no joy in hate.  It's just not worth it.  Get out of the outrage pool and into the party.

This book makes you wish for people who can engage in "meaningful dialog" - that's probably a banned phrase from the author, but we are starved for intelligent debate.

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