Saturday, May 30, 2015

Who Could Resist Wesley the Owl

Wesley the Owl

By Stacey O’Brien

Spoiler alert – before you start this novel make room in your heart for an adorable little barn owl named Wesley.  You won’t be able to resist this smart, fluffy bundle of energy.  On Valentine’s Day biologist Stacey O’Brien adopted a baby barn owl with an injured wing who couldn’t survive in the wild.  Talk about a life changing decision!  For almost twenty years Wesley and Stacey shared a life.  As she says, “he was my teacher, my companion, my child, my playmate, my reminder of God.”

What a treat that the author decided to share this love story with us.  Life with a wild barn owl is not for everyone.  I stand in deep admiration of the author’s infinite level of patience.  Her devotion certainly pays off in a deeply empathetic, emotional communion with this beautiful creature.

A wonderful gift in this book is the large number of photos of Wesley in his everyday glory.  The photos alone will melt your heart.  But then to read the stories behind this cutie, you’ll be delighted.  As the author says, “he joyfully poured out his love in loud exclamations and had boisterous opinions about everything.  He kept a running commentary on all that happened in our lives, in his owl language . . . we were happy together.”

But don’t get the idea that raising an owl, and living with one is an endeavor for those faint of heart.  The description of daily life and required routines make me realize that the model owl adoptive parent is a trained biologist specializing in wild animal behavior, working at Caltech (California Institute of Technology) where scientists from all over the world were on the barn owl research team.

Wesley’s story is so humorous, I often found myself laughing out loud.  The author really captures the humor in everyday activities.  I had so much fun reading the story and looking at the many photos that I was surprised to find how much I’d learned about barn owls, and also about animal behavior in general.  Some of these lessons are couched in the theme throughout that is “the Way of the Owl”.  I’m excited that I’ve learned so much in such an enjoyable way.  It’s amazing how well Wesley communicated with his beloved human family.  The author notes that “we are on the cusp of a new understanding of animal communication.”  Thank you Wesley, for teaching me too.

For anyone who believes in the emotions, and soul, and intelligence of animals – you will be captivated by the exploits of Wesley the Owl.
Thereby hangs a tale . . . .            

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